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    Discount codes, offers or promotions, as well as any other content on our website, are published following the indications of the respective stores, in compliance with our company regulation and privacy policy. Consequently, despite our daily effort to verify the accuracy and authenticity of the published content (discount codes, offers, promotions), we cannot always guarantee the proper working. For this reason, TIKATO SRL is not responsible for discount codes, offers or promotions on the DISCOUP.COM/UK website which may have expired ahead of schedule and/or not be working, nor for changes in the economic conditions, which may be different compared to the ones stated by the partner company. TIKATO SRL is also not responsible for any form of violation or inappropriate use of the content published on DISCOUP.COM/UK. All discount codes, offers or promotions found on DISCOUP.COM/UK are available to all users for free, without any restriction. Users of DISCOUP.COM/UK can also register to our NEWSLETTER for free and receive communications via e-mail including solely the discount codes, offers or promotions of the stores they are interested in. By visiting and using DISCOUP.COM/UK, the user fully accepts these terms and conditions; any change and/or update thereof will be promptly communicated in the time and manner provided by law.

    Privacy Policy

    Notice regarding the processing of personal data, in compliance with the Italian Data Protection Act (art. 13 D.Lgs. 30/06/2003 n.196). TIKATO SRL, as data controller in compliance with the D.Lgs. 30/06/2003 n.196, provides the information regarding the purposes and methods of the processing of your personal data, as well as the scope of disclosure and circulation of this data, the type of data we control and the nature of their conferral.

    Type of data processed

    TIKATO SRL, through the website DISCOUP.COM/UK, processes the data that you provide by subscribing to the website and/or the newsletter of DISCOUP.COM/UK. These are general, non-sensitive data, which do not allow for the identification of a person.


    The processing of personal data is carried out by TIKATO SRL exclusively for the following purposes:

    1. To provide the requested services and enable some of the functionalities of the website;
    2. To conduct market surveys and marketing researches;
    3. To provide information and/or offers on products, services or initiatives promoted by DISCOUP.COM/UK or its sponsors (commercial partners), without this resulting in transfer of data to third parties;
    4. To cooperate with the competent judicial authorities for purposes related to the prevention and repression of crimes.

    Method and duration of processing

    The data mentioned above are collected and stored on a digital database. You can delete the data at any time, in complete autonomy and under your own responsibility, through an automated online procedure put at your disposal by DISCOUP.COM/UK. The data are processed within DISCOUP.COM/UK, solely by the data controller who has received the necessary and appropriate information on the subject. The processing of your data is carried out lawfully and correctly, for specific, explicit and legitimate reasons, not exceeding the purposes.

    Nature of conferral

    We inform you that the conferral of data is necessary for the fulfilment of the services requested; failure to provide data, as well as partial or incorrect provision, can prevent a timely delivery of the service. You have the right to access, change and object to the use of your data. These rights can be exercised through our CONTACTS page.

    DISCOUP.COM/UK Cookie Policy

    What are cookies?

    The term “cookies” refers to small text files that are temporarily created and stored on the device of a user who is visiting DISCOUP.COM/UK

    What are cookies for?

    Storing cookies on the user’s computer allows the website to get some service information to improve the user’s browsing experience. Among the data that are usually collected we find the language chosen by the user, some general statistics on the use of the website and, for a short period of time, the access to the personal area, so that the user doesn’t have to keep on logging in to be recognized when browsing within his personal area. Basically, cookies save time and resources, allowing the user to browse the website faster and with greater satisfaction.

    How are cookies used?

    Like the majority of websites, DISCOUP.COM/UK uses cookies, too. The important thing to highlight is that cookies are never used to store information that are personal or protected by privacy. Cookies are used to allow a registered user to access the website (still, this is not mandatory in order to collect and use discount codes) and, specifically, are used for the following functions:

    1. To identify the page where the users land, when reaching DISCOUP.COM/UK through a link, in order to compile a statistic of the most linked pages.
    2. To allow DISCOUP.COM/UK partners to track the traffic sent from their websites/services.

    Google Analytics Cookies

    Google Analytics is a Google service that allows to collect and display the statistics of a website, such as the number of users, most visited pages and so on. This allows to constantly improve the resources needed for the functioning of the website and the services connected to it. DISCOUP.COM/UK uses this service and therefore people browsing the website can receive cookies from Analytics. Just like other cookies, these ones do not store personal information of any kind, but only collect anonymous and general statistics about the way in which the website is used.

    Third-Party cookies

    DISCOUP.COM/UK may occasionally use third-party cookies, which are not written or managed by our website but by external web services that we use for operational or advertising purposes. An example is the previously mentioned Google Analytics, but even some banner ads on the website may require the storage of cookies. Again, no personal data is stored, only generic references that can be used to make the ads less boring and more useful, such as to know if a user has already seen a specific ad or if he has previously set preferences on the product categories he likes the most.

    Other information about cookies

    If you want more information about cookies or if you want to know how to manage cookies on your browser, you can read here. Another website that can help you verify the cookies you have stored is

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