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  • Cookie Policy

    (Version 1.2, dated 10/01/2022)

    Dear Visitor ("You" or the "User"),

    This Internet site (the "Site") is owned by Tikato SRL with its registered office in Vicenza, Piazzale del Mutilato n. 3/4 – 36100, VAT number 03836750244 and company registration number of VI 358223 (“We” or the “Company”).

    The purpose of this document (the "Cookie Policy") is to explain what cookies are and how they are used on the Site.

    Some cookies (so-called own or first-party cookies) are conveyed and controlled directly by us. Through these cookies, the Company collects and processes some personal data concerning you. In this Cookie Policy, pursuant to art. 13 of EU Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 concerning the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data (the "Regulation"), we explain how we collect this data, for what purposes, and what your rights are.

    Other cookies (so-called third-party cookies) are, on the other hand, conveyed and controlled by third parties. In this Cookie Policy you will find links to information published by these third parties, which we ask you to read carefully.

    If you are not familiar with cookies, please read this Cookie Policy and the Site’s general Privacy Policy carefully, so that you understand your choices.

    The Company takes the utmost account of the right to privacy and the protection of personal data of its Users. For further information relating to this Cookie Policy, Users can contact the Company at any time, using the following methods:

    1. By sending a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt to the Company’s registered office in Piazzale del Mutilato 3/4 - 36100 Vicenza (VI) Italy;
    2. By sending an email to INFO@DISCOUP.COM.

    The Company has not identified the Data Protection Officer, as that individual is not subject to the designation obligation set out in art. 37 of the Regulation.

    A. What are cookies and what are they for?

    Cookies are small text files that the sites visited by the user send directly to that user’s terminal (usually to the browser). Here, they are stored before being re-transmitted to the same sites on the next visit by the same user (so-called first-party cookies). While browsing a site, the user can also receive cookies from different sites or web servers on their terminal (so-called third-party cookies); this happens because the website visited may contain elements including, for example, images, maps, sounds, and specific links to web pages of other domains that reside on servers other than the one on which the requested page is located. In other words, they are those cookies that are set by a website other than the one you are currently visiting.

    Cookies may have a duration that is limited to a single browsing session on the browser (so-called session cookies). Session cookies are either automatically deactivated when the user closes the browser or they have a predetermined expiry date. If they have a predetermined expiry date, they remain memorized and active on your hard disk up to that expiry date, and will continue to collect information during different browsing sessions on the browser (so-called permanent cookies).

    Cookies are used for various functions. Some are necessary to allow you to browse the site and take advantage of its features (so-called technical cookies). Others are used to obtain statistical information, whether in aggregate or otherwise, on the number of users who access the Site and on how the Site is used (so-called tracking or analytics cookies). Finally, some Cookies are used to trace your consumer profile and display advertisements on the Site that may be of interest to you because they are consistent with your tastes and consumption habits (so-called profiling cookies).

    To learn more about these different categories of cookies, please continue reading this policy. Find out how they work and what they are for, and freely choose whether to consent to their use or prevent it.

    B. Technical cookies

    Technical cookies are used on the Site for the sole purpose of enabling your navigation on the Site and allowing you to use its functions. These are always first-party cookies, as they are conveyed directly by us on the Site.

    Some technical cookies are essential to offer you an optimal browsing experience or to allow you to authenticate yourself on the site. Examples include cookies that enable you to make a purchase on the site or enter your private customer area (so-called navigation cookies). Navigation cookies are normally session cookies and, therefore, once the navigation browser is closed, they are automatically deactivated.

    Other technical cookies are useful to allow you to memorize some of your preferences (for example, language or country of origin) without having to reset them during subsequent visits (so-called functionality cookies). For this reason, functionality cookies are often persistent cookies, as they remain stored on your computer even after you close your browser, until their expiry date or until you decide to delete them.

    The following technical cookies are currently used on the Site:

    Cookie NameCookie CategoryCookie Function
    1. first-party technical cookie
    2. navigation
    3. session
    Cookie Agree
    1. first-party technical cookie
    2. functionality
    3. persistent
    Hide cookie request bar
    1. session cookies
    2. functionality
    User login management
    1. session cookies
    2. functionality

    As required by current privacy legislation, your prior consent is not required for the installation of these cookies. However, you are free to block the installation of technical cookies by modifying the settings of your browser (read paragraph E, n. 1 to find out how to do this). Bear in mind, however, that by blocking the installation of technical cookies, or subsequently eliminating them, your ability to access the Site, to use all or part of it, to enable or disable certain functions, or to receive certain services could be wholly or partially compromised.

    C. Monitoring or "analytics" cookies

    Analytics cookies are used on the site to collect statistical information, whether in aggregate or otherwise, on the number of users who access the site and on how they visit the site.

    C1. Owner analytics

    Cookie NameCookie CategoryCookie Function
    1. session
    To save the referrer url of origin if one is present
    1. session
    To save the hostname of the referring referrer, if any
    1. analytical
    2. permanent
    To save data on when the user used that particular campaign mail / cpc

    Google Analytics

    1. analytical
    2. permanent
    3. anonymized
    Acquisition of anonymous information, on behalf of the Company, for the purpose of verifying the use of the Site by users

    C2. Third Party Analytics

    Other analytics cookies installed on this site are third-party cookies because they are not conveyed directly by us but by third parties. This means that they are not installed directly by the Company but instead by third parties.

    For this reason, when you access the Site, a special banner is displayed. The banner informs you that, with your consent, the Site uses third-party analytics cookies and that, by clicking the appropriate button, you can consent to the use of cookies. If you do consent to the installation of cookies in this way, we will track your consent via a specific technical cookie. In this way, we avoid having to display the cookie banner during your subsequent visits to the Site. Please bear in mind that, should you delete this technical cookie from your browser in the manner described in paragraph E, n. 1), evidence of your prior consent will be lost and, therefore, during your next visit to the Site, you will see the cookie banner displayed again.

    Of course, you are free to block the installation of analytics cookies at any time, without compromising your ability to visit the Site or use its contents in any way. To find out how to do this, read the information on third-party cookies by following the links in the table above.

    D. Profiling cookies

    Profiling cookies are used to create your user profile, based on the preferences and tastes detected while browsing the Internet, and to display advertising messages consistent with your profile. This is to ensure that the advertising messages that you see on our site are more closely tailored to your interests.

    As required by current privacy legislation, your prior consent is required for the installation of these cookies. Consequently, when you access the Site, a special banner is displayed. This banner informs you that, with your consent, the Site uses third-party profiling cookies and that, by clicking the appropriate button, you can consent to the use of cookies. If you express your consent to this cookie installation, we will track your consent via a specific technical cookie. In this way, we can avoid displaying the cookie banner during your subsequent visits to the Site. Please bear in mind that, if you delete this technical cookie from your browser in the manner described in paragraph E, n. 1, evidence of your consent will be lost. Consequently, during your next visit to the Site, the cookie banner will be displayed again.

    Of course, you are free to block the installation of profiling cookies at any time, without compromising your ability to use the Site or use its contents in any way. If you decide to disable behavioural advertising, this does not mean that you will no longer receive advertising on the Site. However, any banners that you do see on the Site may not reflect your interests or preferences on the browser you are currently using.

    Please bear in mind that, by logging into the Site using the credentials of a social network to which you are registered, we will receive third-party cookies from the manager of that social network. In addition to allowing you to authenticate your identity on the Site, these cookies may also be used for profiling purposes. Consequently, before choosing this method of logging in, we ask you to read the information provided by the social network in question on the use of these cookies. If you do not want to receive these cookies, log in to the Site as normal without using any social network account. Here is a list of cookies associated with social networks that are used on the Site, with a link to the information pages created by their owners:

    Cookie NameType of cookieInformation link
    Facebook Login fbsr_1399561663405509 (dynamic)
    1. third-party technical authentication and profiling cookie
    2. permanent

    E. How to manage cookies and oppose their use

    There are several options for managing, disabling and deleting cookies.

    (1) Change your browser settings

    Follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer of your browser to find out how to manage, disable or delete all cookies (technical, analytics and profiling):






    Make your choices carefully. By indiscriminately blocking the reception of all cookies, including technical ones, without providing for a specific exception for this Site, you may no longer be able to browse the Site or use all or part of its features. Furthermore, by deleting all cookies from your browser, technical cookies could also be removed. This could remove previous preferences you have set using the Site or could mean that you can no longer find products or services added to your shopping cart.

    (2) Use the interactive tools provided by third parties

    To disable, manage and delete third-party cookies, consult the privacy policies of third parties that install analytics cookies (see paragraph C above) or profiling cookies (see paragraph D above). Remember that, by disabling third-party cookies, (i) you preclude their use not only on this Site but on all internet sites on which these cookies are used and (ii) the ability to navigate on this Site and use its features will not be in no way affected.

    (3) Use the website

    Your Online Choices is a website managed by the non-profit European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance (EDAA). The EDAA provides information on behavioural advertising based on profiling cookies and allows internet users easily to decline (opt-out from) the installation of the main profiling cookies installed by advertisers and used on websites. Before using this tool, we advise you to read the general conditions of service of the Your Online Choices website, the frequently asked questions (FAQ) and the user guide. You can find all the info here

    Use Your Online Choices with due care and consideration. Although Your Online Choices brings together many of the most important cookie-using companies in the advertising world, some third parties who install cookies through this Site may not have joined Your Online Choices. Consequently, using Your Online Choices does not guarantee whether or not you will receive third-party cookies while browsing the Site. Furthermore, remember that by deleting all cookies from your browser, even technical cookies issued by Your Online Choices to remember your choices could be deleted, making third-party cookies active again.

    F. Processing methods and data storage times

    As highlighted in the introduction to this Cookie Policy, the Company may collect and process some of your personal data through the cookies that it places directly on the Site (first-party cookies). The Company acts as data controller for this data, in compliance with the provisions of the Regulation. We will process your data only with electronic tools, in a totally automated way and without human intervention. This means that our employees and collaborators will never access any of your personal data obtained through cookies. In turn, this means that they will never be able to access and/or have PII (Personally Identifiable Information), i.e. information from which it would be possible to identify you directly.

    Some of our employees and collaborators, entrusted by us with the processing, may carry out maintenance work on the computer systems that host your data, without ever being able to access their actual content. Personal data may be stored on servers managed by third parties (e.g. IT system suppliers) or may be managed by subjects specialized in online advertising, who act as data controllers on the basis of a specific written appointment. In compliance with the conditions and guarantees established by the Regulation, your data will not be transferred to countries not belonging to the European Economic Area that may not offer a level of protection of privacy and personal data protection comparable to that guaranteed by Italian and European laws on privacy. Where the Company acts as owner, we will give the utmost consideration to data security and will proceed with the management of such transfers with all due caution and appropriate guarantees. Your personal data will not be disclosed to third party data controllers.

    Your personal data will be kept for the period of time strictly necessary for the carrying out the primary purposes illustrated in this information, or in any case according to the period of time necessary for the protection of the rights of both the Users and the Company.

    G. Your rights

    To exercise your rights, or obtain further information or clarification in relation to this Cookie Policy, please contact the Company using one of the following methods:

    By sending a registered letter with return receipt to the registered office of the Company (Piazzale del Mutilato 3/4 - 36100 Vicenza (VI) Italy);

    By sending an e-mail message to INFO@DISCOUP.COM.

    Pursuant to the Regulation, the Company states that Users have the right to obtain information (i) on the origin of personal data; (ii) the purposes and methods of processing; (iii) on the methods used in the event of any processing carried out with the aid of electronic instruments; (iv) on the identification details of the owner and managers; (v) on the subjects or categories of subjects to whom the personal data may be communicated or who may learn about them through their roles as managers or agents.

    Furthermore, Users have the right to obtain:

    a) access, updating, rectification or, when interested, integration of data;

    b) cancellation, redaction or blocking of data processed unlawfully, including data whose retention is unnecessary for the purposes for which the data was collected or subsequently processed;

    c) attestation that the operations (and the content to which they relate) referred to in a) and b) above have been brought to the attention of those to whom the data has been communicated or disseminated, except where this fulfilment proves impossible or involves the use of means manifestly disproportionate to the protected right.

    Furthermore, Users have:

    a) the right to withdraw consent at any time, if the treatment is based on their consent;

    b) (where applicable) the right to data portability (right to receive all personal data concerning them in a structured format, commonly used and readable by an automatic device), the right to limit the processing of personal data and the right to cancellation (“right to be forgotten”);

    c) the right to object:

    i) in whole or in part, for legitimate reasons, to the processing of personal data concerning them, even if pertinent to the purpose of the collection;

    ii) in whole or in part, to the processing of personal data concerning them for the purpose of sending advertising materials or direct sales or for carrying out market research or commercial communications;

    iii) if personal data is processed for direct marketing purposes at any time, to the processing of your data carried out for this purpose, including profiling to the extent that it is connected to such direct marketing;

    d) if they believe that the processing that concerns them violates the Regulation, the right to lodge a complaint with a Supervisory Authority (in the Member State in which they usually reside, in the one in which they work, or in the one in which the alleged violation has occurred). The Italian Supervisory Authority is the Guarantor for the protection of personal data, based in Piazza Venezia, n. 11, 00187 – Rome (

    The Company is not responsible for updating any or all of the links that can be viewed in this Cookie Policy. Consequently, whenever a link is not functional and/or has not been updated, Users acknowledge and accept that they must always refer to the document and/or section of the internet sites indicated by the link.

    Please note that in the context of the provision of the Google Analytics service, Google always acts as a data controller (as indicated on this page where you will find all the services for which Google acts as data controller or data processor).